Saturday, June 28, 2014

One: Segway-To-Go!

Today is a huge day. The first of our 52 New Things adventures... oh yes. Nothing will stop us. We wanted to start with a hurrah. Some of the new things we have planned are less high voltage... line dancing, knitting... we thought we'd better save these until we'd at least proved ourselves a little adventurous in our quest for new experiences. 

So drum roll, please.... Today we did Segwayz

Segwaying is effectively an early doors introduction to motobility scooting. It is awesome. It thinks it is an extreme sport... you have to sign a death/injury/loss of limb waiver before you partake. there are hi viz jackets and hard hats. there's a lengthy introduction that builds it to the proportions of a silverstone race experience. actually what happened, once we'd got to grips with leaning and steering, we pottered mildly around a field doing a few skiddies on the grass and getting used to the very weird sensation of standing and moving with very little actual bodily movement. We did wonder if it is a good core strengthening activity. A bit like being on one of those body plate things at the gym, that give a juddering sensation, shake your fat around a bit but don't actually do anything other than remind you where your wobbly bits are. My wrists felt like they'd had a bit of a workout, and calves (due to the squatting/pooing stance) but other than that it's a proper lazy person's 'sport'. (A bit like darts? I would Love to Segway with a pint in one hand and a packet of porky scratchings in the other.)

As we steered ourselves leisurely back to the segway base we considered all the every day activities that would be instantly jazzed up by being on a segway. Favourites included the supermarket shop, going to the pub in heels and not wanting to walk that far, paint balling and shepherding. yes. I know the last two aren't that everyday, but hey. 

No one fell off (despite the build up from our instructor - him being actually one of the highlights of the experience... although he did tell us the same joke twice.) We were a bit disappointed that although it sold itself as a tour, there was no actual tour element to it. just sort of being let loose in a field to segway round and round like dogs on heat. It was, however, a great introduction.  

Fear factor: 4 (based on instructor's input)
Happiness quotient: 8/10
Value for money: 5/10
Likelihood of repetition: 65% (given a woodland setting and an actual tour)
Would be better if: There was a tour element to the tour. And if my Segway hadn't conked out half way through.
Overall: 7/10

...And the consequence was: Can't believe there is still a saloon pub in the leisure lakes?!